Powder Metallurgy Review, Winter 2023, Vol. 12 No. 4

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In addition to over thirty pages of news from the Powder Metallurgy industry, the 104-page Winter 2023 issue of Powder Metallurgy Review magazine (Vol. 12 No. 4) includes the following articles and special features:

“Scrap is the new gold” and other hardmetal and hard materials insights from Euro PM2023 Congress, Lisbon

The European Powder Metallurgy Association’s annual congress has always featured technical presentations that reflect the diverse nature of the region’s PM industry, from structural parts to hardmetals and other hard materials, Metal Injection Moulding and, more recently, metal Additive Manufacturing. This year’s event, however, was of particular interest for the hardmetals community as it fell on the 100th anniversary of the Schröter patent application for metal-bonded WC. Here, Bernard North reports on the latest developments in the industry, as well as the story of its early beginnings.

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IperionX: A Powder Metallurgy route to lower-cost recycled titanium plate, billet, bar and preforms with reduced CO2 emissions

Titanium offers unique strength, lightweighting, and corrosion-resistant properties, making it a highly sought-after metal for various applications. However, its high cost and complex manufacturing process have limited its use. To combat this, IperionX has developed technologies that offer a cost-effective and sustainable solution for titanium production. Its Hydrogen Assisted Metallothermic Reduction (HAMR) and Hydrogen-Sintering and Phase Transformation (HSPT) processes promise a more affordable and environmentally friendly approach that reduces dependency on the import of critical materials.

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A review of the sintering of iron-copper-carbon alloys for structural Powder Metallurgy applications

Iron-copper-carbon alloys have been used for structural Powder Metallurgy applications for more than half a century and, to this day, they remain popular for the production of automotive components. In this comprehensive review, Prof Randall German covers the sintering of iron-copper-carbon alloys, with a focus on the popular composition FC-0208.

The review, which is intended to help producers to optimise properties as well as identify future research needs, explores powder characteristics, processing conditions, and the response parameters of mechanical properties and dimensional control.

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<< 2023 Archive

In the latest issue of PM Review…

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Extensive Powder Metallurgy industry news coverage, and the following exclusive deep-dive articles and reports:

  • Powder Metallurgy: Discover innovative technologies meeting the demands of vehicle electrification
  • Gevorkyan a.s.: Europe’s fast-growing Powder Metallurgy company achieving success through a diversified customer base
  • Powder Metallurgy in Asia: A status update from the World PM2024 Congress, Yokohama

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