NanoSteel names Harald Lemke as Vice President & General Manager of Powder Metallurgy

February 13, 2013

February 13, 2013

The NanoSteel® Company, headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island, USA, has today announced that Harald Lemke has joined the company as Vice President & General Manager of Powder Metallurgy.

In this new role, Lemke will lead the commercialisation of NanoSteel’s alloys into the Powder Metallurgy industry, utilising both the recent breakthrough in Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) and the company’s established coatings products. Lemke will focus on high hardness, wear and yield strength applications that also require ductility traditionally served by specialty and hard materials. Initial target industries for the company’s PM business will be oil & gas, power generation and mining.

“NanoSteel ‘s approach to delivering its Powder Metallurgy offerings will focus on changes in material paradigms designed to provide customers with clear insights into how our unique steel alloys can benefit their business,” Lemke told

Lemke continued, “NanoSteel’s powder alloys are designed to provide superior customer value by delivering enhanced performances over current steels or ferrous materials and by extending the use of more economical metal powder alloys into high performance applications currently being served by higher priced materials such as tungsten carbides and other metal matrix composites.”

Lemke’s leadership experience spans a broad range of advanced materials including metals, ceramics, plastics and composites. Across this spectrum of businesses, he established a track record of delivering customer value through the optimisation of materials design, manufacture and component forming processing.

“There is significant opportunity to leverage our breakthrough in nano-structured sheet steel into the cladding and near-net shape parts businesses of Powder Metallurgy,” stated David Paratore, President and CEO.

“With NanoSteel’s broad portfolio of products, we have the opportunity to extend steel’s footprint outside of traditional metal performance boundaries into new markets and applications,” added Lemke.

Lemke was most recently the Global Vice President of Materials Marketing at the $650M coatings division of Sulzer-Metco. Previously, Lemke was Business Development Manager for Kennametal’s Advanced Materials Division and Chief Operating Officer & General Manager of Powdermet, where he scaled a metal and metal matrix powder start-up business. Lemke has also held key positions at Conoco-Phillips, Air Liquide and Nalco-Exxon Energy Chemicals L.P.   

Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]   

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February 13, 2013

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