Sandvik Coromant joins Aerospace Industries Association

July 4, 2023

The Aerospace Industries Association is a voice for the aircraft, space and defence industries (Courtesy AIA)
The Aerospace Industries Association is a voice for the aircraft, space and defence industries (Courtesy AIA)

Sandvik Coromant, Sandviken, Sweden, has been announced as one of the latest members of the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA). The association has served as a voice for the aircraft, space and defence industries for over a century, and is dedicated to helping its members improve the safety of air transportation, foster fuel exploration, drive innovation and ensure a vibrant industrial base.

AIA membership also offers access to exclusive reports and findings, as well as networking opportunities with key players in the sector. Members can also access security and compliance standards, the latest industry research, and legislative support to stay ahead of regulatory changes.

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“We’re looking forward to working with AIA and its partners to continue conducting industry research on aerospace and defence and advocating for issues related to civil aviation, space and more,” stated Travis Vaught, industry segment business development director at Sandvik Coromant. “Through our membership with AIA, we hope to gain valuable insights into topics like sustainable aviation, national aerospace standards and digital engineering transformation.”

Through its AIA membership, Sandvik Coromant aims to enhance its current component feature solutions for the aerospace industry. These include tools and solutions for engines, frames, and structural components, as well as in-depth application knowledge, strong R&D, and close cooperation with both customers and machine builders in the industry.

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