Retech to bring GeniCore’s Spark Plasma Sintering to North American market

August 30, 2023

Retech will market and distribute GeniCore’s range of U-FAST machines to the North American market (Courtesy GeniCore)
Retech will market and distribute GeniCore’s range of U-FAST machines to the North American market (Courtesy GeniCore)

Retech, an American subsidiary of the Seco/Warwick Group located in Buffalo, New York, USA, is collaborating with GeniCore, based in Warsaw, Poland, to bring Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) Powder Metallurgy to its customers. Under the agreement, Retech will market and distribute GeniCore’s range of U-FAST machines, expanding the range of metallurgical processing technology the company offers.

“As the global leader in vacuum metallurgical equipment, bringing SPS into our repertoire and representing its capabilities is a win for Retech, GeniCore, and our customers*,”* stated Earl Good, Retech Systems Managing Director and president.

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The SPS process bonds metal powders, as well as ceramic and metal composites, by applying a combination of pressure and thermal energy (created by a powerful pulse of electric current) in a mould. It is similar to Hot Isostatic Pressing, but consumes significantly less energy and can bond a wider range of materials.

GeniCore offers multiple SPS systems using its U-FAST process, with each one optimised for specific applications (Courtesy GeniCore)
GeniCore offers multiple SPS systems using its U-FAST process, with each one optimised for specific applications (Courtesy GeniCore)

GeniCore offers multiple SPS systems using its U-FAST (Upgraded Field Assisted Sintering Technology) process, with each one optimised for specific applications. The Direct Current (DC) electric pulse switching technology allows for precise control of DC waveforms, including the control of each pulse’s current, duration, and spacing. With the ability to generate square pulses under one millisecond, and even programmable square-pulse packets, tremendous energy can be delivered directly into the materials being consolidated. This precision pulse control results in uniform consolidation with minimal grain growth.

GeniCore SPS processes are being used by manufacturers and research institutions alike, including a national laboratory, NASA, and a large European industrial engineering company.

“The GeniCore mission is to deliver superior value to our customers through innovative SPS technology. Cooperation with Retech gives us the honour to serve discerning and distinguished customers in the North American market,” added Marcin Rosiński, GeniCore CEO.

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