Pfeiffer Vacuum launches new HiScroll ATEX scroll pump

July 26, 2021

Pfeiffer Vacuum has launched the new HiScroll ATEX scroll pump, capable of pumping potentially explosive gases (Courtesy Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH)

Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, Asslar, Germany, has introduced its new HiScroll ATEX scroll pump which meets the requirements of the European directive ATEX II 3/-G Ex h IIC T4 Gc X +5° C ≤ Ta ≤ +40 °C, and are therefore said to be suitable for pumping potentially explosive gases.

Depending on the operational requirements, the ATEX directives are subdivided into different categories based on the conditions under which the pumps are allowed to operate. The HiScroll ATEX conforms to equipment category 3G based on contact with the pumped substance and meets temperature class T4. This allows all gases up to and including explosion group IIC to be pumped. It is even possible to pump hydrogen.

With these properties, the HiScroll ATEX covers many applications in the field of analytics, industry or research & development. Explosion-protected devices are used in many sectors, including in industrial processes such as generating and pumping hydrogen. The HiScroll ATEX is also used in laboratories for pumping solvent-based liquids and gases which can produce combustible vapours. The ATEX certification is awarded due to the HiScroll ATEX having no sources of ignition for potentially hazardous gas mixtures.

Pfeiffer Vacuum scroll pumps reportedly offer high pumping speeds during pump-down, even at atmospheric pressure. The completely dry and hermetically sealed vacuum pumps achieve a nominal pumping speed of 6 to 20 m³/h. They are characterised by their compact design and extremely quiet, low-vibration operation (<47 dB[A], in stand-by mode <42 dB[A]). They are said to have a high water vapour tolerance, and condensation in the vacuum pump is therefore prevented from the start. The integrated two-stage gas ballast valve allows individual adjustments to be made to the process requirements.

Pfeiffer Vacuum states that the efficient drive is characterised by a 15% higher efficiency compared to conventional drives, thus enabling maximum performance at low temperatures and easier and more cost-effective cooling.

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