MSI announces second seminar on Rare Earth Materials & Magnet Technology
June 23, 2023
Materials Science International (MSI) Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany, and PPM Materials GmbH, Kirchheim/Teck, have announced that the 2nd English-language Materials Science International Team (MSIT) Advanced School Seminar on Rare Earth (RE) Materials & Magnet Technology will take place November 22-23, 2023, in Stuttgart.
The event is intended to create an opportunity for professionals in management and technology to learn about the complete supply chain of magnetic materials: resources of RE ores, mining, concentration, separating and transforming RE oxides and metals, alloying to magnetic powders and processing to all types of magnets.
The seminar will be focused on permanent magnets and the supply of the raw materials. The event will begin with the fundamentals of RE elements and magnetism, the principals of RE permanent magnets chemistry, thermodynamics, and constitution, as well as measurement techniques. This illustration of the process from mine to magnet and recycling is hoped to better enable the process’ increased sustainability.
The seminar will also highlight global sourcing and supply, the latest economic developments and global geopolitical considerations in magnetics markets and technologies, including possible future sources.
The 2nd MSIT Advanced School Seminar on Rare-Earth (RE) Materials & Magnet Technology is intended for business and technology managers and employees from various industries in the supply chains of industries of permanent magnet productions and application markets.
The following speakers are currently confirmed:
- Dr Bernd Grieb (chairman) – PPM Materials GmbH
- Prof Dr Dagmar Goll – Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Aalen, Germany
- David Kennedy – HyProMag Ltd (Founding Director) and University of Birmingham (Honourary Research Fellow), Birmingham, UK
- Dr Thomas Reininger – PPM Materials GmbH
- Stefan Siebert – Brockhaus Messtechnik (Managing Director), Lüdenscheid, Germany
- Dr Badrinath Veluri – REIA, Belgium (President) and GRUNDFOS SA (Senior Scientist), Denmark
- Dr Andrew Watson – Hampton Thermodynamics Ltd (Director), Basingstoke, UK
A detailed programme is forthcoming.