Mapal relocates its Polish head offices

April 12, 2023

Mapal Narzędzia Precyzyjne has relocated its Polish head offices (Courtesy Mapal Narzędzia Precyzyjne)

Mapal Narzędzia Precyzyjne (Mapal Precision Tools) has relocated to a new head office in Komorniki, Poland, not far from the company’s previous Poznań headquarters. The new building features office space, conferences rooms and social areas, as well as a fully-equipped showroom. The company has invested around €2 million in the new site.

“Our business in Poland has developed brilliantly over the past twenty-five years,” stated Jochen Kress, president of the Mapal Group, at the opening of the facility. “Demand for our products has steadily increased and it makes us proud that we’re taking on a leading role as a tool supplier and service provider in Poland especially in the area of tool management. Of course, we also owe this to our competent team on site, which takes excellent care of our customers and ensures the smooth running of the manufacturing processes.”

In Poland, Mapal Narzędzia Precyzyjne serves the production plants of international automotive and mechanical engineering manufacturers, among others. A collaboration with the commercial agency Gallo-Ex in Poznań that began in 1996 led to its takeover in 2002. Since 2005, the branch office has been trading as Mapal Narzędzia Precyzyjne. In 1997, Mapal received a major order in Poland from a diesel engine manufacturer in Tychy, and in 2004 it took on its first tool management project for the VW plant in Poznań. Mapal reamers entered the Polish market as far back as the 1970s. At the time, the buyer was one of the largest ship engine manufacturers in the country.

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The branch office has cooperated with the affiliated company Mapal C&S in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, for many years. Mapal C&S is responsible for repairing PCD and solid carbide tools for customers in Poland. Mapal Narzędzia Precyzyjne also maintains a close working relationship with the headquarters in Aalen, the Mapal Centres of Competence in Germany and the plant in Italy.

“We’re going to become even more involved in the e-mobility, aerospace, die & mould and fluid power market segments with product programmes that focus on application and we’re going to expand our presence in these sectors,” continued Kress.

Mapal employs seventy-two qualified specialists in Poland, including thirty-one engineers.

During the opening ceremony, Aleksander Zielonka, CEO of Mapal Narzędzia Precyzyjne, explained, “It was a great decision to expand our available space. We now have sufficient resources in Komorniki to expand our activities. We can also provide our employees with a very appealing work environment where they’ll feel comfortable and can continue to develop.”

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