Höganäs appoints Henrik Ager as president and CEO

Companies & MarketsNews
September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

Henrik Ager has been named president and CEO of Höganäs (Courtesy Höganäs)
Henrik Ager has been named president and CEO of Höganäs (Courtesy Höganäs)

Swedish metal powder producer Höganäs AB has appointed Henrik Ager as its new president and CEO, effective from October 2, 2023. Currently, Ager serves as the CEO of Copperstone Resources AB and prior to this spent eight years at Sandvik AB in various roles, including Business Area President of Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, Division President of Sandvik Rock tools, and Vice President Strategy of Sandvik Mining.

“We are very pleased to welcome Henrik Ager as the new CEO of Höganäs. Henrik has strong experience leading successful businesses based on involving leadership and a clear strategic agenda. Under the leadership of Henrik, the board looks forward to further executing on our existing strategy to be the preferred supplier of sustainable metal powder, thus continuing to strengthen Höganäs position as the market leader of metal powders for demanding uses in automotive and many other industries,” shared Magnus Hall, chairman of Höganäs.

Ager is a Swedish national and holds an MSc in Accounting & Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics.

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“I am both proud and excited to lead Höganäs going forward. Höganäs is a global leader in Powder Metallurgy and surface coating, with an exceptional team and a world-leading portfolio of products and innovations. We now need to continue to leverage these strengths to both lead and support the sustainable transition for customers and society at large, utilising the capabilities of metal powder technology,” Ager commented.

Magnus Eriksson, Interim CEO and CFO, added, “It is very positive that a new CEO has been recruited, I am happy to welcome Henrik to Höganäs and to team up with him and the leadership team to continue refining and executing on our exciting strategy.”

Magnus Eriksson will continue in his capacity as interim CEO until Ager takes over.


Companies & MarketsNews
September 6, 2023

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