ACEA comments on European Parliament vote for CO2 reduction targets

June 13, 2022

The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has commented on the European Parliament’s recent plenary vote on CO2 reduction targets for cars and vans. The association said it welcomes the fact that the Parliament maintained the European Commission’s proposal for 2025 and 2030 targets, and urged MEP’s and EU Ministers to consider all the uncertainties facing the industry as it prepares for a massive industrial transformation.

However, the 2025 and 2030 targets are said to be particularly challenging and are only achievable with a significant ramp-up in charging and refuelling infrastructure, the ACEA cautioned. The association stated that it is particularly concerned that, given the transformation of the sector is dependent on many external factors, MEPs voted to set in stone a -100% CO2 target for 2035.

“The automobile industry will fully contribute to the goal of a carbon-neutral Europe in 2050,” commented Oliver Zipse, ACEA president and CEO of BMW. “Our industry is in the midst of a wide push for electric vehicles, with new models arriving steadily. These are meeting customers’ demands and are driving the transition towards sustainable mobility.”

“But given the volatility and uncertainty we are experiencing globally day-by-day, any long-term regulation going beyond this decade is premature at this early stage. Instead, a transparent review is needed halfway in order to define post-2030 targets,” he continued.

“Such a review will first of all have to evaluate whether the deployment of charging infrastructure and the availability of raw materials for battery production will be able to match the continued steep ramp-up of battery-electric vehicles at that point in time.”

The association notes that it is now essential to deliver on the remaining necessary conditions in order to make zero-emissions possible and is calling on decision-makers to adopt the different elements of Fit for 55 – particularly CO2 targets and the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) – as one coherent package.

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