6K Additive acquires Specialty Metallurgical Products

October 13, 2021

6K Additive, a division of 6K, headquartered in North Andover, Massachusetts, USA, has acquired Specialty Metallurgical Products (SMP), based in Red Lion, Pennsylvania. SMP specialises in titanium and zirconium tablets used as grain refiners for the metal alloys market. The terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

The acquisition is said to augment 6K Additive’s existing line of Ty-Gem compacts used in similar applications and markets. The new product enables 6K Additive to expand its commercial relationships into both new and existing companies for titanium customers while developing new applications and customers for zirconium additives.

“We have over twenty years of experience supplying our Ty-Gem grain refining products to the aluminium industry,” commented Frank Roberts, president of 6K Additive. “Adding SMP’s titanium products to our portfolio will complement our existing offering while enhancing our expertise in the process. The acquisition will also add an entire new product line to our current portfolio in zirconium tablets. The quality products SMP brings to 6K Additive enables us to go broader and deeper with our customers providing a quality, sustainable alloying solution no other company in the world can offer.”

Jim Clark, former president of SMP and now a strategic advisor for 6K Additive, stated, “We have a long history of supplying the top end of titanium additives to the industry and have established SMP as the leading supplier of zirconium. Becoming part of the 6K Additive team ensures our customers are provided with the same quality product, but backed by a larger organisation that has the logistics and operational infrastructure to support our rapid growth.”


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