University of Trento successfully hosts EPMA’s 2013 PM Summer School
July 22, 2013

Participants at the EPMA 2013 PM Summer School
(Courtesy EPMA) – Click on thumbnail below for
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The University of Trento hosted the latest EPMA Powder Metallurgy Summer School, which took place 8 – 12 July 2013 in Trento, Italy. The annual summer school, organised by the European Powder Metallurgy Association, provided 52 students from a variety of academic and industrial backgrounds with an introduction to PM by a number of highly regarded academics and industrial lecturers.
Professor José Torralba from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, coordinated the event in conjunction with Professor Alberto Molinari and his team from the University of Trento.
Lectures were complemented by the University of Trento’s laboratory facilities and as part of the practical side of the event the students visited two companies; Mimest, who produce typical MIM parts, and Eurocoating, a medium sized company working in biomaterials. Participants also received complementary copies of both Powder Metallurgy Review and PIM International.
Joan Hallward, Summer School Coordinator stated, “This year’s Summer School programme has benefited from the University of Trento’s superb laboratory facilities and well located hotels. No Summer School would be complete without the now traditional Summer School dinner and song contest held on the last evening of the course at a local restaurant, where everyone sang to their heart’s content.”
(Click on thumbnail above for larger image)
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