TIJO offers nickel alloy IN625 for Additive Manufacturing

June 6, 2022

TIJO provides nickel-base superalloy In625 for use in Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy TIJO)
TIJO provides nickel-base superalloy In625 for use in Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy TIJO)

Changsha Tijo Metal Material Co., Ltd, (TIJO), Changsha City, Hunan, China, is now offering nickel alloy IN625 metal powder, a non-magnetic, corrosion and oxidation resistant, nickel-base superalloy for Additive Manufacturing.

IN625 provides high fatigue strength and toughness, with resistance to corrosion in temperatures up to 1093°C. The alloy is said to have good weldability in Laser or Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB and PBF-EB) Additive Manufacturing processes.

Parts built from IN625 can be heat treated and material properties can be varied within a specified range. Parts can be finished by various conventional means, including machining, EDM, hot-peening, grit-blast, vibratory polishing, and coatings in both as-built and in heat-treated conditions. Suitable applications include heat shields, furnace hardware, combustion liners and spray bars, gas turbine engine ducting and chemical plant hardware, as well as special marine applications.

TIJO’s IN625 AM alloy powder is reported to contain low amounts of oxygen, up to 0.03%, typically ranging at 0.015~0.020%. The powder morphology is typically spherical, with a smooth surface and a low level of powder satellites.

TIJO was established in 2010 and focuses on R&D, production, sales and application of metal powder, solder paste, brazing filler, master alloy and numerous customised metal materials.


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