Ten years of innovation in metal powder atomisation at Arcast

January 6, 2021

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic having a major impact on global markets in 2020, it is no surprise that many in the Powder Metallurgy sector, from parts producers to powder makers, have had to cut back and adjust their operations in the face of reduced demand. There are a number of businesses, however, that have been fortunate, and have managed to buck this trend.

After being in business for just over ten years, Arcast Inc., Oxford, Maine, USA, is one such company; currently, it is having one of its busiest years on record, with sales volumes and revenues reported to be higher than ever. Inevitably, some COVID-related difficulties have impacted production, but the company has been able to adjust for these and keep its head well above water.

Arcast, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2020, designs and supplies a range of atomising systems to a diverse customer base across the globe. Having become a leader early on in compact, laboratory-sized systems, the company now offers a range of technology, including large-scale, custom-built atomisers.

In the Winter 2020 issue of PM Review (Vol. 9 No. 4), we look at how the company has advanced over the last ten years, the key technology it has developed, and what the future holds as it continues to offer metal powder atomisation solutions to a wider marketplace.

This lead article, along with the full magazine, is available to read in full online using the embedded browser above, or to download as a pdf.


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