Shining 3D launches automatic desktop 3D inspection system

April 29, 2020

Shining 3D has launched AutoScan-Inspec, an automatic desktop 3D inspection system for small and complex parts (Courtesy Shining 3D Tech. Co., Ltd.,)

Shining 3D Tech. Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China, has launched AutoScan-Inspec, an automatic desktop 3D inspection system capable of integrating high-accuracy 3D scanning and 3D inspection, designed to improve the efficiency of scanning small and complex parts. 

The system has a number of applications, including for non-contact measurement, inspection and quality control, reverse engineering and product design.

Featuring an intuitive user interface and AI scanning algorithm, the company states that the system enables automatic and full-size inspection. It is said to enable users to efficiently collect 3D data from small samples, saving valuable time. 

AutoScan-Inspec’s features include:

Metrology-grade accuracy

Advanced blue-light 3D scanning technology is said to provide users with scan accuracy within 10 μm to ensure the high level of accuracy required for quality inspection

Fine detail

The system is said to offer precisely detailed 3D scans for small and complex objects using its 5-megapixel dual-camera

Automatic scanning

The system features 3 axes for multi-angle scanning, enabling users to obtain 3D scans quickly and easily

Powerful software

The system comes withShining 3D’s Ultrascan software, said to be specially developed for industrial application with a user-friendly interface and easy operation. Using the software, 3D data generated by AutoScan-Inspec can be exported easily to CAD/CAM systems such as Geomagic Control X, Design X, Zbrush, Polyworks, etc.

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