Sandvik joins Engineer 4.0 pilot study

June 25, 2020

Sandvik AB, Stockholm, Sweden, is participating in a pilot project called Engineer 4.0 together with other companies, such as Volvo, SKF and Veoneer, in order to gain the necessary knowledge to aucceed in the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0.

IT-based technologies have changed the manufacturing industry profoundly, and to stay competitive companies need to increase their expertise in digitalisation and smart production. To meet this new demand, thirteen Swedish universities and colleges have developed eight training modules that include topics such as Additive Manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, digital twins, human-robot collaboration, connectivity and 5G.

“Our curriculum needs to adapt to the changing conditions,” stated Bengt-Göran Rosén, project lead and a professor at Halmstad University, Jönköping University and Chalmers University of Technology. “That’s why we’ve developed these training modules. When we saw the need to also address industrial companies, we realised we had to adapt the training to their requirements. The answer was a digital version that users can take when they have the time.”

The training modules are targeted at people with a technical background, and each module will take two to three days to complete, ending with a quiz. The pilot will run during summer 2020 and, after evaluation, eight new modules will be introduced, including some that are more in-depth. Six Sandvik employees from different business areas will participate in the pilot.

Abhinandan Chiney, lead scientist working at Sandvik Materials Technology in India, commented, “The content is very relevant to the work we perform at R&D in Pune, India, and it will be great to access state-of-the-art information from experts in academia.”

Chiney added, “The training involves using modelling, simulation and Big Data Analytics to optimise and diagnose production processes, which fits right into what we do.”

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