World PM2018 Congress programme published
July 3, 2018

World PM2018 will take place in Beijing, China
The technical programme for the 2018 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy (World PM2018) is now available to download via the event website. Co-organised by the Chinese Society for Metals (CSM) and China Powder Metallurgy Alliance (CPMA), the conference will take place from September 16–20, 2018, in Beijing, China, and marks the first time that the World PM series has been held in China.
The conference programme features a wide range of technical and special interest sessions set to cover the full range of Powder Metallurgy technologies, including:
- PM components and processes
- Sintering parts and components
- Metal powder preparation and processes
- Compaction and forming processes
- Preparation and properties of porous materials
- Magnetic materials and functional materials
- Hard alloys
- Non-ferrous metals and rare earths
- Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
- Refractory metals, superhard metals and ceramics
- Biomedical materials and other powders
- The automotive industry and PM
- Analysis, testing, numerical simulation, data and data mining
- Additive Manufacturing
- Technology overview
- New materials and applications
- Process analysis
- Powder Injection Moulding (PIM)
- Developments in raw powder, binder systems and feedstock for Metal Injection Moulding (MIM)
- Characterisations in MIM
- Processing, microstructures and properties
- Biomaterials and their applications
- Miscellaneous functional materials and advanced processes
In addition to the conference programme, an exhibition featuring more than 100 international exhibitors will be held over four days. This is expected to provide an ideal opportunity for attendees to network with material and equipment suppliers, part producers and end-users. In addition, a series of social events will be held throughout the event.