Powder Metallurgy Review, Summer 2020, Vol. 9 No. 2

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In addition to 48 pages of news from the Powder Metallurgy industry, the 88-page Summer 2020 issue of Powder Metallurgy Review magazine (Vol. 9 No. 2) includes the following articles and special features:

Are you safe or lucky?
A look at Environment, Health and Safety in the PM industry

When the correct procedures are followed, a Powder Metallurgy facility can be a safe environment. Thankfully, many regulations are in place to avoid dangers to operatives, as well as the environmental impact of the production process. However, as with many manufacturing industries, there can be circumstances where hazardous situations arise and accidents happen.

In this article, Paul Hoffmann explains some of the unique risks associated with operating a PM facility. With extensive experience in Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS), built from forty years in manufacturing, and over twenty of those directly in the PM industry, he highlights the dangers and introduces some of the procedures that can be implemented to help avoid them.

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The hybridisation of pick-up trucks and the impact on the content of PM parts

Höganäs AB has over the last few years conducted teardowns on a number of vehicles to help understand the potential for Powder Metallurgy components in the automotive sector.

These have ranged from a compact class Toyota Yaris, to a large Ford F150 pick-up truck, and included both ICE power and hybrid models. Of particular interest to the US market is the truck class which, along with SUV models, accounts for around two-thirds of the US market.

To address the hybridisation potential for this size vehicle, Höganäs, Alvier Mechatronics and Dontyne Gears have developed a hybrid drive system concept utilising a number of PM components. Höganäs’s Dr Anders Flodin reports on their joint efforts and demonstrates a new mixed drive solution.

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EPMA’s General Assembly reviews Powder Metallurgy trends in Europe

The coronavirus crisis severely impacted most business activities in March and April this year, and included restrictions on travel and group meetings. The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) therefore held its 33rd General Assembly at the beginning of April using Microsoft Teams, with some thirty members taking part online.

Bernard Williams participated in the online General Assembly and presents summaries of key presentations on the current status of PM in Europe, and the broad range of activities of the EPMA’s sectoral working groups, Club Projects and EU-funded projects.

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Metal powder recycling:
Innovative technology is turning waste into resources

The reuse and recycling of metal waste in numerous Powder Metallurgy sectors has both financial and environmental implications. With the help of new technologies, such as the vacuum distillation process developed at Cronimet Envirotec, a wide range of metal waste, from metal-bearing dust to blasting abrasives and metal powder, can be returned to the production cycle again.

Cronimet Envirotec recovers metal residues from hazardous and non-hazardous waste via vacuum distillation and briquetting, and here Alia Smektala explains how the process can work for metal powder-based industries.

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In the latest issue of PM Review…

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Extensive Powder Metallurgy industry news coverage, and the following exclusive deep-dive articles and reports:

  • Collaboration drives success for PM: New Hyundai Motor applications developed with Korea Sintered Metal Co. and Höganäs AB
  • PowderMet2024 and AMPM2024 report: Cemented Carbides brought into focus in Pittsburgh
  • Powder Metallurgy shines in the MPIF’s 2024 Design Excellence Awards competition
  • PowderMet2024: The state of the Powder Metallurgy industry in North America
  • The wire that makes the powder: TGTi’s development of titanium wire feedstock for plasma atomisation

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