Plansee India recognised for export excellence
October 13, 2020

Plansee India, the Indian division of Plansee Group, located in Mysore, Karnataka, has received the Best District Export Award 2020 from the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce & Industry, as part of its annual Export Excellence Awards.
Founded in 1987 as Wolfra Tech Pvt. Ltd., the company became part of the Plansee Group under the name Plansee India in 2010. In 2015, the group opened a new production facility in Mysore.
Plansee India focusses on the production of fine tungsten and molybdenum wires, as well as other applications. It is said to be fully integrated in Plansee’s global production network for the powder metallurgical manufacture of the high-performance materials molybdenum and tungsten.