Novomet utilises PM and Laser Sintering for submersible centrifugal pump parts

July 3, 2012

July 3, 2012

Novomet based in Perm, Russia, claims to be the country’s largest producer of electric submersible pumps (ESPs) used in harsh oil and gas well conditions including high gas to oil ratios, heavy oils, high temperatures, and in abrasive and corrosive fluids.

The company, which as established in 1991 and currently employs around 4,000 people worldwide, uses patented technology to produce complex shaped PM stainless steel components for the demanding applications in ESPs. The stainless steel powder grades are used to produce the pressed and sintered stage pump parts with complex shapes and internal cavities for submersible centrifugal pumps used in oil production.


Example of an Electric submersible pump produced

by Novomet as part of downhole ESP system

The pumps have been specially developed for operation in reservoir fluids such as hydrochloric acid and hydrogen sulphide and are therefore required to have high corrosion resistance.

In addition the PM stainless steel grades are required to have high abrasion resistance in the harsh operating conditions. The company also produces PM abrasion resistant radial and axial bearings for its centrifugal pumps. The bearings are made from a tungsten carbide base material which is said to have improved plastic characteristics and resistance to vibration and impact loads.

Novomet has installed a SLS (selective laser sintering) system for the production of 3-D prototype parts from powdered materials for evaluation in ESPs and other applications. 


Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]   

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July 3, 2012

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