Novamet acquires Rhode Island metal powder atomisation facility

July 13, 2020

Ultra Fine Specialty Products, LLC, a division of Novamet Specialty Products Corporation, Inc, Lebanon, Tennessee, USA, has acquired a high-purity, fine metal powder atomising facility, located in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, USA. The facility was  formerly owned by Carpenter Powder Products, Inc., a subsidiary of Carpenter Technology Corporation.

The company explains that Ultra Fine  will now focus on refining and expanding the capabilities of the Ultra Fine atomising facility to produce high-quality metal powders in the finest range of sizes available through gas atomisation. The process used by Ultra Fine to produce powders is said to be unique, enabling the highest possible quality powders in the size range of under 30 µm.

Ultra Fine was recently formed by Jeffrey Peterson, Novamet CEO; John Torbic, Novamet president; and Novamet General Counsel Michael Hinchion, to locate and acquire technically-oriented production assets to support the advancement of metal powder technologies and their use in aerospace, electronics, batteries, industrial parts and other markets in the US and around the world.

Novamet was formed in 1976 to apply its technology for the development of nickel-based powders and technologies into different morphologies, shapes and sizes for various industrial uses, focusing on nickel powders produced by its then-parent company, Inco. 

The company was acquired by investors in 2010 and after nearly forty years in Bergen County, New Jersey, USA, moved its headquarters and manufacturing facilities to Lebanon, Tennessee. Novamet currently processes and distributes various metal powders and coated products for the Metal Injection Moulding, aerospace, automotive, coatings and electronic materials markets.

“We are very excited about the beginning of Ultra Fine as a separate organisation, and its acquisition

of this facility,” stated Peterson. “Ultra Fine will not only supply its own customers high-quality products as it did before, but it will be a source for Novamet of a broader selection of competitively priced, high-quality feed materials from a US-based provider that is focused on supporting our markets.”

Torbic commented, “Novamet has a strong record of working with the types of powders this facility can produce, and we see even more potential for growth as Novamet and Ultra Fine combine their technical strengths and manufacturing skill sets.”

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