New EPMA Club Project: Resistivity of Hardmetals
December 3, 2012
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced plans for a new ‘Club Project’ on ‘Resistivity of Hardmetals’, in partnership with NPL, London, UK, and CEIT, San Sebastian, Spain.
The proposed project will measure electrical resistivity and thermal property data for a wide range of hardmetals between room temperature and 800°C, in order to:
- investigate the potential for a new quality control technique with the added advantage of characterising non-magnetic materials and with application to a wide range of sample sizes,
- provide data for modelling performance applications where higher temperatures than ambient are experienced
The project will then investigate the relevance of the Wiedemann-Franz relation for hardmetals, evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of various test methods suitable for measurement of electrical resistivity of hardmetal components and produce a model of the thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of hardmetals in 3D.
The research will be co-funded by NPL at about the 50% level, so the overall cost of the project to the project partners will be €71.5k to be shared by the participants. The project is scheduled to start at the beginning of 2013.
Dr Olivier Coube, EPMA Technical Director, stated, “After the successful completion of the ‘Stiffness of Moduli’ project, we simply asked the involved companies what were their needs in terms of research in development and ‘Resistivity of Hardmetals’ came first. We have so far received one signed Consortium Agreement and five other companies have expressed a strong interest. Thus, based on this participation level we should have a reasonable project cost of ca. €10k per company for an 18 month project”.
If you are interested in the project or would like more information please contact Dr Olivier Coube, EPMA Technical Director, [email protected]
Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]
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