NanoSteel introduces new portfolio of ferrous powders for wear parts traditionally produced with specialty and hard materials

June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014

The NanoSteel Company, based in Providence, Rhode Island, USA, a leader in nano-structured steel materials design, has introduced a range of ferrous powders designed to extend steel’s capabilities in near net shape wear parts for highly abrasive environments.

These new alloys feature hardness values in excess of 1400 HV, wear resistances well below 10mm³ volume loss (ASTM G-65) and spherical morphology that results in excellent packing factors and flowability important for producing high density parts under tight dimensional control.

This family of new powders enables the production of extreme hardness wear parts through a wide variety of consolidation processes including Additive Manufacturing without the need for subsequent heat treatment.

In a recent trial of a die insert application, the NanoSteel material out-performed the tool steel AISI A11 by six times after withstanding the significant abrasive forces imparted during the consolidation of a ceramic powder, all while maintaining a mirror surface finish. The significantly longer life cycle of the die insert part increases operational efficiencies, demonstrating that the company’s material is ideal for applications that require higher wear resistance than current tool steels.

“Our new portfolio expands the applicability of ferrous powders for consolidated parts into extreme wear environments,” stated Harald Lemke, Vice President and General Manager of Engineered Powders. “Additionally, early production trials demonstrate that the nanostructure of the alloys provides compaction capability for more complex geometries while keeping cycle times down to minutes. This performance greatly improves the economics of producing wear parts.”   


June 25, 2014

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