MPIF names new president and officers

Companies & MarketsNews
October 26, 2021

October 26, 2021

(L-R) Rodney Brennan, Nicola Gismondi and Christopher Adam (Courtesy MPIF)

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has elected Rodney Brennen, vice president/CFO, Metco Industries, Inc, as the 31st president of the MPIF, succeeding Dean Howard, PMT, North American Höganäs Co, a subsidiary of Höganäs AB.

Brennen’s two-year term began at the conclusion of the MPIF’s annual Powder Metallurgy Management Summit and 76th Annual MPIF Business Meeting, October 23–25, 2021, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Brennen has worked for Metco Industries for more than twenty-five years, starting as Finance and Personnel Manager and progressing to his current position as vice president/CFO. He most recently served as president of the Powder Metallurgy Parts Association. He is active in APMI International, a past chairman of the West Penn Chapter (1999-2001), and currently serves on the APMI Board of Directors. He received the Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy Award in 2021.

Two of the federation’s six associations also instated new presidents following the Summit. Nicola Gismondi, PMT, vice president, Sales & Marketing, MPP, has been elected president of the Powder Metallurgy Parts Association (PMPA) and will serve a two-year term.

Christopher Adam, PMT, president & Chief Executive Officer, Valimet Inc, has been elected president of the Association for Metal Additive Manufacturing (AMAM) and will also serve a two-year term.

Companies & MarketsNews
October 26, 2021

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