MPIF announces NSF and CPMT Conference Grant recipients
April 10, 2024
The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has announced the recipients of The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology (CPMT)/Axel Madsen Conference Grants.
The grants provide students with the opportunity to participate and exchange ideas with researchers and engineers from worldwide industry and governmental facilities, as well as students and faculty from both domestic and international universities.
The 45 recipients will attend the full PowderMet2024 and AMPM2024 conferences, giving them the opportunity to discover the latest in Powder Metallurgy research. These opportunities will not only improve the students’ knowledge in the field, but also help develop scientists and engineers who are ideally suited to create the next generation of designs in Powder Metallurgy and metal Additive Manufacturing.
It is estimated that over one third of the past recipients who are no longer students, are now working in fields connected to PM.
For those interesting in hearing more from the recipients of the Student Grant the Grant TNT: Talk ‘N Technology Sessions will be taking place throughout the conference. The full schedule and topics will be available soon on the conference website and mobile app. Additionally, a Student Resume Board will be on display at the conference as well as available on the conference mobile app.