MPIF announces 2023 Howard I Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award

August 23, 2023

August 23, 2023

Photomicrographs comparing the mixes based on the new alloy to the copper steels. Shown in the top row are new alloy steels, the bottom row are copper steels (Courtesy MPIF/Höganäs AB)
Photomicrographs comparing the mixes based on the new alloy to the copper steels. Shown in the top row are new alloy steels, the bottom row are copper steels (Courtesy MPIF/Höganäs AB)

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has announced that the paper titled ‘Sustainable Alloy for Powder Metallurgy (PM) Structural Components’ by Roland T Warzel III, Amber Tims, Bo Hu (North American Höganäs) and Per-Olof Larsson (Höganäs AB, Sweden) has been selected for the 2023 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award.

The paper describes a new PM alloy that has been developed to provide the mechanical performance of copper steels without using copper as an alloying element. The paper details the properties of the new alloy in comparison to common copper steels. The importance of this exploration is emphasised by the rise of battery electric vehicles and electrification, which are highly dependent on copper due to its electrical and thermal conductivity properties.

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The Outstanding Technical Paper Award, renamed in honor of Howard I Sanderow in 2009, was established in 1993 to recognise authors of manuscripts for excellence in scientific and technical written communication. The manuscripts are selected from papers presented and submitted for publication at MPIF’s annual PowderMet conference.

The award aims to enhance the quality of technology transfer in the PM literature by increasing the professional level of papers submitted for the annual technical conference. Additionally, it promotes the science and technology that is fundamental to powder metallurgy products, processes, and materials.

To access the full paper, click here.

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August 23, 2023

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