Miba Friction breaks ground on expansion to Slovakia site

September 10, 2019

September 10, 2019

Miba Friction breaks ground on expansion to Slovakia site
The ground-breaking ceremony at Miba Friction’s new site was attended by Tibor Toth (Mayor of Vrable), Patrik Rac (Site Manager, Miba Steeltec), Ferdinand Pranckh (Managing Director Operations, Miba Friction Group), Margit Bruck-Friedrich (Austrian Ambassador to Slovakia), Martin Liebl (General Manager, Miba Friction Group), Hans Christian Kügerl (Austrian Trade Commissioner in Slovakia) (Courtesy Miba Friction Group)

Miba Steeltec, a segment of Miba Friction Group, has broken ground on an expansion to its site in Vráble, Slovakia. The company is investing approximately €10 million into the project, which is expected to enlarge the manufacturing space to around 16,500 m2. In addition to that, the new building will include around 600 m2 office space, along with a new research and development facility. 

Within the Miba Group, Miba Steeltec is said to be an important high-tech production site for friction technology for powertrains, axis and brakes in construction machinery, as well as tractors or mining machinery, as well as components for the automobile industry and four-wheel drive vehicles. The company is a supplier to customers including John Deere, Caterpillar, Volvo, ZF, AGCO, GKN and Gima.

The research and development premises on the expanded site will serve as the first R&D-department for Miba Friction Group outside of Austria. Since its founding in 2007, Miba Friction stated that it has invested €60 million in Miba Steeltec in Vráble, with revenues at the site having grown from €20 million in 2007 to €73 million in the most recent fiscal report.

Construction work is expected to be finished by the end of the year. Subsequently, production equipment will be relocated and set up, with finalisation of the building planned for early summer 2020.


September 10, 2019

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