Imerys Graphite & Carbon obtains ISO health & safety certification

May 5, 2021

Imerys Graphite & Carbon, headquartered in Bironico, Switzerland, reports that it obtained ISO 45001 certification for its production plant in Bodio at the end of 2020, following on from the certification of its two plants in Canada, Terrebonne and Lac-des-Îles, in 2018.

ISO 45001 specifies the requirements necessary for the organisational Occupational Health & Safety management system. It provides guidance for its use to enable organisations to provide safe and healthy workplaces, by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as to proactively improve its Health and Safety performance.

In Bodio, the company processes synthetic graphite products under the brands C-NERGY™ and TIMREX®. Being ISO 45001 certified confirms that Health & Safety processes are in place to guarantee the correct and safe flow of activities along the production chain.

Imerys Graphite & Carbon explains that the certification represents a fundamental solution to identify, control and continually improve through the identification of opportunities to reduce or eliminate hazards to workers. But the system needs to be proportionate to the organisation’s risk profile and complexity, considering the best cost-effective techniques, and providing a strong foundation to build a more prosperous business and community.

The company states that there are two key benefits to customers of the ISO 45001 management system approach. The first benefit is improved security of supply. By preventing and reducing Health and Safety related risks, the risk of unplanned disruptions to production is reduced. Products are ready and shipped on schedule, and delivered to customers in a timely manner.

Secondly, is cost savings. Customers look for ISO certified companies, as it demonstrates compliance with high Health and Safety standards, and an ethical duty to strive for more efficient and safer working conditions.

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