HyGear signs deal to supply major Powder Metallurgy company with hydrogen

April 18, 2018

April 18, 2018

HyGear signs deal to supply major Powder Metallurgy company with hydrogen

Hydrogen generation systems are installed at the customer’s site (Courtesy HyGear)


HyGear, Arnhem, the Netherlands, a supplier of industrial gases through on-site generation technology, has announced the signing of a long-term supply contract for industrial hydrogen to a leading global metallurgy company. The company will use the hydrogen in its large-scale sintering process.

Pure hydrogen gas is often used as an effective atmosphere for high-temperature sintering of metal powders. Hydrogen helps to maximise corrosion resistance, reducing surface oxides and removing impurities from various alloys.

HyGear will install it’s widely-applied Hy.GEN technology to deliver the base-line supply by generating hydrogen at the customer’s site. In addition, its growing trailer fleet will be deployed to guarantee supply flexibility in cases of temporary demand increase. This set up offers the most cost-effective and reliable hydrogen supply for this critical application.

“The signing of this contract helps us strengthen our presence in the metal industry, which is our third growing market after the flat glass and food industries. Although our technologies are not limited to certain industrial applications, we feel that our industry-focused roll out strategy leads to better understanding of our customers’ needs. It also allows us to tailor our solutions in such a way that we will always offer the most cost-effective and reliable overall solution”, stated Niels Lanser, HyGear’s Director of Sales and Marketing.

“We are also performing research and development works to further reduce costs by recycling the gases used in the process. We are currently implementing this technology in the glass industry and our next step is to develop products dedicated to the metal industry as well,” added Lanser.


April 18, 2018

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