Horizon explains benefits of Powder Metallurgy SMC’s in electric motor NVH

February 3, 2021

Horizon Technology reports on how the use of PM in automotive electric motors can optimise performance and reduce NVH (Courtesy Horizon)

In a recent blog post, Horizon Technology, St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania, USA, reports on how the use of Powder Metallurgy in the production of automotive electric motors can optimise performance, reduce NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) levels and improve user experience.

Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles suffer from much higher NVH than electric vehicles. With almost zero NVH, the most sound heard is often just a minimal gear whine. Electric motors are typically more compact and generate instantaneous max torque, eliminating the need to rev the engine, explains Horizon.

Manufacturers of automotive electrical components have been using steel laminations for a long time, but that method is restrictive in a few ways. The author states that parts made with laminations are noisier, for example, because of the effect the vibrations have on the lamination stack. Through the use of Powder Metallurgy Soft Magnetic Components (SMC), the production of a single component can replace the laminated parts and reduce NVH.

The chart shows that electric vehicles create instantaneous max torque, where as internal combustion vehicles take time to rev up to maximum horsepower, creating additional NVH (Courtesy Horizon)

Because of the inherent shape-making capabilities of powder metal, SMC materials also allow manufacturers to take advantage of complex geometries. Stators, for example, can be made more effectively with PM methods, and SMC materials can boost their magnetic performance.

Powder Metallurgy and SMC materials can create lighter components with improved magnetic performance that not only make electric motors more efficient, but also improves NVH and reduces cost.

“At the end of the day, creating a more efficient electric motor at a lower cost will improve the driver experience, and the use of the SMC material will help extend the range of the electric vehicle,” the author added.

Read blog post here


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