Höganäs’ Germany-based production facilities now rely completely on renewable electricity
March 19, 2021
Sweden’s Höganäs AB reports that the electricity consumption at its Germany-based production facilities in Goslar and Laufenburg now comes completely from renewable sources. In addition, the company aims to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by some 10,703 tonnes in 2021, a 50% reduction in the total energy consumption at both production sites compared to the previous year.
“We are pleased to make an important contribution to achieving Höganäs’ climate goals,” stated Peter Thienel, COO Höganäs Germany GmbH. The company has committed to making its global business activities climate neutral by 2045.
Höganäs stated that the switch to green electricity in Germany has brought it closer to its long-term goal of climate neutrality. However, the company added that in future, the overall balance sheet will also have to take into account the cumulative carbon dioxide emissions generated by raw material suppliers’ upstream processes.
“At present, a first complete cumulative carbon dioxide balance is being drawn up for both German production sites in Laufenburg and Goslar,” Thienel added. The short- to medium-term goal, he notes, is to be able to use these findings to calculate corresponding carbon dioxide key figures – such as carbon dioxide tonnes per tonne of product – taking into account the emissions from all relevant upstream processes.