Höganäs expands its metal powder manufacturing facilities in Pennsylvania

July 2, 2019

July 2, 2019

Höganäs expands its metal powder manufacturing facilities in Pennsylvania

Workers at Höganäs’ Johnstown, Pennsylvania facility (Courtesy Höganäs AB)


Sweden’s Höganäs AB will expand its Johnstown facility in Pennsylvania, USA, with the addition of new production capabilities to support Additive Manufacturing and other technologies. The project will include the construction of a 24,000 ft2 building and the purchase of new machinery.

Höganäs’ high alloys plant in Johnstown, originally called SMC Metals Products, was acquired in 2003. According to the company, the decision to expand was taken in response to global demand for its high alloy products.

Dean Howard, President of Höganäs Americas Continent, stated, “This exciting investment, with the greatly appreciated support from the Governor’s Action Team and JARI, will help Höganäs continue to grow in Pennsylvania and provide innovative products for our customers in several quickly developing market areas.”

“Pennsylvania’s powder metals industry is a major contributor to our manufacturing sector,” commented Pennsylvania Governor Wolf. “Höganäs’ decision to expand here is great news for Pennsylvania manufacturing, and will provide at least twenty-five reliable, family-sustaining jobs for Cambria County workers.”

“JARI is pleased to provide support to Höganäs as the company expands their operations in the City of Johnstown,” added Linda R Thomson, President and CEO of the Non-profit Economic Development Organisation JARI. “Höganäs is a world class, internationally recognised company with state-of-the-art products that is meeting the demands of the new manufacturing age.”


July 2, 2019

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