H.C. Starck continues positive performance in 1st quarter 2011

May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011

H.C. Starck, one of the leading manufacturers of refractory metals and advanced ceramics, has reported continued growth in all of its business units through the first quarter of 2011.

In the 2010 fiscal year, H.C. Starck increased its revenues by 59% to €689 million. In doing so, the company exceeded its expectations in all of its business units and gained significant market shares, particularly with regard to its tantalum and tungsten activities.

One important factor that contributed to this performance was the resurgent demand seen across all markets. “The rapid and systematic restructuring of our company also played a significant role in the positive development of our business. We made our organisational structure more efficient and more tailored to the needs of the market, and also focused our product range on our core business area,” commented Dr. Andreas Meier, CEO of H.C. Starck. “In addition, the cost-cutting measures we implemented made a noticeable contribution to our excellent annual result.”

In the first quarter of 2011, business was also strong thanks to the ongoing economic recovery and the resulting continued increase in market demand. “In addition, we have completed one of our most important strategic tasks,” added Dr. Meier. “Thanks to longer term supply agreements with established mines and the EICC certification for our tantalum procurement process, we have been able to secure our supply of ethically produced raw materials. As a result, we are in an excellent position to achieve our above-average growth targets for 2011.”

An increasing focus on recycling

An important part of the company’s 2011 growth strategy is to utilise its recycling capacities. “H.C. Starck currently obtains more than 45% of its raw materials from recycling – more than any other competitor,” said Dr. Meier.


“Rapidly growing industries like the electronics industry require smaller and smaller components that at the same time are becoming increasingly powerful components that can process large amounts of data at high speeds. With our long-term expertise, we offer specific solutions for the individual needs of our customers in this area,” explains Dr. Meier.

Furthermore, industries like the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, and the mining industry place ever-increasing demands on the performance and durability of cutting and drilling tools. “With our one-of-a-kind technological expertise, particularly when it comes to tungsten, we can also offer solutions custom-tailored to the needs of our customers in this area as well,” says Dr. Meier.

The company is also active in the field of environmentally friendly technologies, developing innovative and sustainable products such as those for manufacturing fuel cells and solar cells. H.C. Starck is also working on the development of components for high-performance, safe batteries for the growing electric vehicles market.  

PowderMet 2011

H.C. Starck will be exhibiting at the upcoming PowderMet 2011 exhibition and International Conference on Tungsten, Refractory & Hardmaterials in San Francisco, May 19-20. Visit them on Booth 311.



Edited by: Paul Whittaker, Editor ipmd.net, [email protected]   

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May 16, 2011

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