GKN Aerospace to test titanium PM components from IperionX

October 6, 2023

IperionX will supply GKN Aerospace with titanium plate test components manufactured using the company’s angular titanium powder (Courtesy IperionX)
IperionX will supply GKN Aerospace with titanium plate test components manufactured using the company’s angular titanium powder (Courtesy IperionX)

IperionX Limited, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, is supplying GKN Aerospace with titanium plate test components manufactured using angular titanium powder and IperionX’s Hydrogen Sintering and Phase Transformation (HSPT) Powder Metallurgy process. The latest announcement follows the successful testing and validation of 100% recycled titanium powder made from GKN’s scrap titanium.

“GKN Aerospace is a leader in sustainability and the precision manufacturing of titanium components for the aerospace, space and military markets,” Taso Arima, CEO of IperionX, stated. “We are very proud to be working with GKN Aerospace to commercialise our market leading high-performance and sustainable titanium products.”

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The HSPT process uses low-cost titanium Powder Metallurgy techniques to produce high performance titanium alloys with wrought-like microstructures and mechanical properties. The HSPT process can reportedly produce titanium alloy with strength and ductility well beyond the ASTM standards for wrought Ti-6Al-4V. These material properties can be enhanced with heat treatments to increase strength to over 1,100 MPa or with ductility beyond 20% EL.

IperionX’s patented titanium production process offers 100% recycled titanium powder (Courtesy IperionX)
IperionX’s patented titanium production process offers 100% recycled titanium powder (Courtesy IperionX)

IperionX’s titanium products include traditional titanium plate, bar, and rod products, as well as high-performance near-net shape titanium components. The latest partnership to manufacture high-performance titanium plates for testing may lead to further joint projects between GKN Aerospace and IperionX, including initiatives related to the US Department of Defense, the company stated.

A sustainable US Ti supply chain

Titanium is valued for its high strength-to-weight ratio and its resistance to high temperatures and corrosion. Since the 1940s, titanium has been mass produced using the ‘Kroll Process’. However, this process is energy and cost-intensive, and it generates high levels of greenhouse gas emissions.

IperionX’s patented titanium production and manufacturing technologies can produce high-strength titanium products with lower energy and costs, and with zero reported Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Currently, the US imports over 95% of the primary titanium metal needed for its advanced industries. IperionX aims to bring back titanium mineral and metal production to the US, reduce the heavy dependence on imported primary titanium from foreign countries, and enhance the supply chain with cost-effective and environmentally sustainable titanium products.



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