GKN Additive and HP aim to bring together advanced materials and innovative tooling solutions

November 7, 2023

HP Inc and GKN Additive have announced a collaboration that aims to bring together advanced materials and innovative tooling solutions. Initially, the partnership will focus on qualifying a range of metal powders for users of HP’s Metal Jet S100 Additive Manufacturing machines, beginning with ten different steel grades that include M2 tool steel and a dual-phase steel.

A strategic area of focus of the collaboration will be to advance GKN’s efforts to combine HP’s Metal Jet S100 Binder Jetting technology with unique material offerings, allowing a precision-focused approach tailored to specific customer challenges. This aims to speed up innovations in the tooling industry, resulting in increased productivity and quality, eliminating the need for traditional machining.

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The companies highlighted examples of such innovations, which include:

  • No machining: Develop near-net shaped tools, significantly reducing material waste and production time
  • Wire/sink erosion: Final contour of tools is achieved through wire/sink erosion, ensuring precision and efficiency
  • HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressing): Enhance the density and integrity of additively manufactured components, optimising their performance
  • Plasma nitriding: Surface treatment to improve wear resistance and durability
  • PVD-coating (Physical Vapor Deposition): Provide tools with enhanced surface properties

It was added that the partners will continue expanding material availability for the tooling industry, leveraging GKN’s material and production expertise and HP’s process knowledge. Customers can buy powders directly from GKN and access HP’s Professional Services to set up a development programme tailored to their specific needs.

Those at Formnext can discuss this collaboration and the materials being developed with HP in Hall 12.1, D41.



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