Freeman Technology releases revised ebooks on powder tester selection

November 20, 2018

November 20, 2018

Freeman Technology, Tewkesbury, UK, has issued revised versions of two of its eBooks on powder tester selection. ‘Choosing a Powder Tester’ reviews the technology available on the market and has been updated to include recent innovations such as uniaxial powder testing, while ‘The Value of Powder Testing’ considers how test data can deliver an economic return, and now extends to an assessment of the benefits of real-time measurement.

Powder testing techniques range from simple to the sophisticated, with the cost of a tester running up to tens of thousands of pounds. Understanding the strengths and limitations of different techniques and testers is therefore essential when it comes to choosing one that cost-effectively meets requirements, states Freeman. Powder testers vary significantly in terms of their ability to deliver data that is relevant and sufficiently sensitive to solve regularly encountered problems, whether in R&D or manufacturing.

‘Choosing a Powder Tester’ covers the majority of testing techniques in routine use, including all USP methods. The latest edition also includes avalanche methods and uniaxial testing, a technique that ranks powder flowability in an analogous way to shear cell testing, but using a simpler and more direct method.

The eBook includes a brief description of the principles underpinning each technique, along with a discussion of strengths and limitations, providing the information needed to make a choice that is well-matched to individual requirements.

The results of powder testing can include faster progress in R&D, secure identification of a cheaper raw material, effective troubleshooting of a process problem and/or higher product quality, all of which are associated with tangible economic benefits. Freeman’s ‘The Value of Powder Testing’ explains how to estimate the payback on testing, with the latest edition also including a case study based on the use of in-line powder flow monitoring.

Both ebooks are available to download free of charge via Freeman’s website, along with the company’s introductory guide, ‘An Introduction to Powders’.

November 20, 2018

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