Formnext + PM South China’s exhibitor line-up and event highlights

May 26, 2023

May 26, 2023

Formnext + PM South China has announced an initial exhibitor lineup for 2023 (Courtesy Messe Frankfurt)
Formnext + PM South China has announced an initial exhibitor lineup for 2023 (Courtesy Messe Frankfurt)

Formnext + PM South China has announced its initial exhibitor line-up for 2023, the strength of which, it is stated, reflects the recovery of China’s manufacturing sector. In April, China announced that its gross domestic product (GDP) had grown by 4.5% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2023, exceeding market forecasts. While consumption represented the strongest growth, investment rose 7% year-on-year in the manufacturing sector. Industrial production recorded a steady growth: up 3.9% in March, compared with 2.4% in the January-to-February period.

With this in mind, the organisers report that many leading companies from the Additive Manufacturing, Powder Metallurgy, Metal Injection Moulding and advanced ceramics industries will be exhibiting at Formnext + PM South China. The three-day event is set to take place at the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center on August 29-31 and expects to host 300 exhibitors.

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Confirmed exhibitors include, by sector:

Additive Manufacturing

Amesos Advance Manufacturing, Avimetal AM Tech, Black Box 3D, Bright Laser Technologies, Eplus 3D, Farsoon Technologies, HP Inc, Kocel Intelligent, LiM Laser, North Bridge New Material, Oqton, Phrozen, Ten Dimensions Technology, Uprise 3D, and Vilory

Powder Metallurgy

Advanced Technology & Materials, Air Products, CFine Machinery Technology, Hiper Vacuum Technology, Jinchuan Group, Sinterzone Tech, Sunshine Precise Tooling, TDG Machinery Technology, Yuean Advanced Materials, and Zhujin Technology Development

Advanced ceramics

3DCERAM, Ceramplus Technology, Cincy Intelligent Equipment, Companion Precision Ceramics, Huamei Fine Technical Ceramics, Jiuyajiu Tablet Machinery Manufacturing, Naura Vacuum Technology, Orient Zirconic Ind Sci & Tech, Sanxing Feirong Machine, Sinoma Advanced Materials and more

Formnext + PM South China’s forums and seminars

The Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Technology Forum

In recent years, Binder Jetting metal Additive Manufacturing has seen growing interest from sectors such as the automotive industry, due to its cost advantages and high efficiency in the mass production of metal parts. In response to this interest, this forum will gather experts from leading companies including HP, Wuhan Easymade, Voxelject, Longyuan AFS, Digital Metal and DEW Additive Manufacturing under one roof to discuss Binder Jetting technology.

3D Printing Venture Capital Investment Conference

The Additive Manufacturing industry has been one of the most popular investment sectors of global capital market and venture capital institutions in recent years. Jointly organised with Guangdong Materials Valley, Zhongda Venture Capital and Zhongda Innovation Valley, the conference looks to connect innovative Additive Manufacturing companies to professional investment institutions, and promote a more comprehensive development for the industry.

The 5th South China Injection Moulding and Additive Manufacturing Technology and Application Summit

The scope of this summit will cover the entire supply chain from fundamental materials, key components, advanced processing equipment to overall solutions. Experts from renowned research institutes and senior executives from leading materials and application companies will present their research, providing strategic insights for the development of the injection moulding and Additive Manufacturing industries.

Shenzhen International Medical Ceramic 3D Printing Application Summit

This summit will focus on six main themes: current situation and application prospects, the key to technology maturity and product performance improvement, restrictions to innovation, the traction of academic research to industrial development, original R&D achievements of companies, and the transfer and transformation of research results. Industry experts, academics and top executives have been invited to discuss the applications of ceramic Additive Manufacturing in the medical field.

Shenzhen International Electronic Components Industry-Academia-Research and Development Summit

Senior personnel from leading companies and professors from renowned universities have been invited to have direct conversations on issues across the electronic components supply chain, such as high-performance raw materials, key devices and high-end applications.

May 26, 2023

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