Filtration specialist Porvair receives award for enterprise in international trade

May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015

Porvair Filtration Group, with headquarters in Fareham, UK, has been awarded a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade. Porvair manufactures a wide variety of filtration and separation products including a range of sintered metal powder filters.


Porvair porous sintered filters

The award has been made in recognition of Porvair’s substantial growth in overseas business, having achieved increased year-on-year growth in sales of exported products over the past three years. Since 2011, the company has seen its export sales rise by 140%, amounting to 69% of its total sales from its UK operations.

The significant increase in export has been due to the company’s success in markets such as coal gasification in Asia, Bioscience and Nuclear in the USA and general industrial process filtration in Europe. The Group’s top export markets have been identified as USA, India, South Korea and Germany.

Porvair’s Managing Director, Tom Liddell, stated, “It is an honour for our company to receive this award and to be recognised for our success in exporting our products manufactured in the UK. Whilst growing international business can be challenging, we have found a significant appetite for quality products manufactured by our skilled and dedicated staff in the UK.”

“We believe the award represents a significant milestone for the business, one that will serve to enhance our reputation at home and overseas. We anticipate further, sustainable growth in the years to come.”

The group manufactures in both the UK and USA and has an extensive network of sales offices and distribution channels throughout the world.  


May 19, 2015

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