Epson Atmix begins construction of its new metals recycling facility

October 17, 2023

October 17, 2023

Epson Atmix has begun construction of its new facility to recycle metal waste in order to produce the raw material for metal powder production (Courtesy Epson Atmix)
Epson Atmix has begun construction of its new facility to recycle metal waste in order to produce the raw material for metal powder production (Courtesy Epson Atmix)

Epson Atmix Corporation, a group company of Seiko Epson Corporation, located in Aomori, Japan, has announced it will invest almost $37 million (5.5 billion Yen) in a new facility to recycle metal waste in order to produce the raw material for metal powder production.

The company aims to recycle unwanted metals from various sources, including out-of-specification metal powders used in manufacturing processes at Atmix, metal scraps generated within Atmix, and metal end cuts and used moulds discarded by the Epson Group.

The planned facility is also seen as a step towards achieving Epson’s goal of becoming completely resource-free by 2050, as outlined in its Environmental Vision 2050.

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Atmix produces a range of metal powders for a variety of manufacturing processes, including Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) and Additive Manufacturing. The company also produces magnetic powders for use in power supply circuits, as coils for IT equipment such as smartphones, and for hybrid cars and electric vehicles.

The new factory will be equipped with a high-frequency induction furnace for melting metals, an AOD refining furnace for removing impurities from metals, and a casting machine for forming ingots.

A groundbreaking ceremony for the new facility was held on October 12 at the Hachinohe Kita Inter Industrial Park, with construction scheduled to start shortly after. The factory is expected to begin operations in June 2025.

October 17, 2023

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