EPMA’s Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition deadline approaching
March 26, 2024

The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)’s Powder Metallurgy Thesis Competition deadline is now less than one month away.
The EPMA has organised the competition at both masters and doctorate levels every two years since 1994 and annually since 2016. The aim of the competition is to develop interest in and promote Powder Metallurgy among young scientists at European academic institutions as well as encourage research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
The competition is open to all graduates of a European University whose theses have been officially accepted or approved by the applicant’s teaching establishment during the previous three years.
Submitted theses, which must be classified under the topic of Powder Metallurgy, will be judged by an international panel of PM experts, drawn from both academia and industry.
Winners will be awarded €500 and €1,000 for masters and doctorate levels, respectively, sponsored by HILTI, as well as complimentary registration to the Euro PM2024 Congress & Exhibition courtesy of EPMA.
The deadline for applications is April 24, 2024.
To submit an entry, click here.