EPMA’s PM Summer School takes place at UK’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre

June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015

The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) organised its annual Powder Metallurgy Summer School at the UK’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), from June 8-12, 2015. The week-long programme was coordinated by Professor José Torralba of the University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain in conjunction with Denzil Lawrence of the AMRC.

Some 55 participants had the opportunity to listen to, discuss and solve problems with PM experts drawn from both industry and academia. In addition to the many lectures covering a wide range of Powder Metallurgy technologies, students gained hands-on experience during laboratory work at University of Sheffield’s Mercury Centre.


Two tours were included, one to the AMRC where participants were shown how research into PM was helping to improve manufacturing processes, and a second to Metalysis, a UK-based company producing a range of tantalum and titanium powders via its patented process.

“As part of the EPMA’s commitment to the Summer School programme we are always striving to keep the content of the course as relevant as possible” explained Joan Hallward, EPMA’s Summer School Coordinator. “An example of this was the new lecture on High Temperature Materials, by Dr Mayer, University of Leoben. “

The annual Summer School event wouldn’t be without its closing dinner, which was held in the heart of Sheffield at Silversmiths, a multi award-winning restaurant. The evening proved a huge success with excellent food, accompanied by the now traditional mini Eurovision song contest.


June 30, 2015

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