EPMA Sectoral Groups to hold open meetings at Euro PM2013
July 28, 2013
The European Powder Metallurgy Association’s European Structural Parts Group (ESPG), the European Hard Materials Sectoral Group (EHMG), and the EuroMIM group are planning to hold open meetings during the Euro PM2013 Congress and Exhibition scheduled to take place in Gothenburg, Sweden, September 16-18.
The ESPG meeting will be held on Sunday afternoon 15 September at 16:00 at which there will be a report on the European-funded Project “DIRA-GREEN” (digital radiographic check of green parts). There will also be a panel discussion between Paul Beiss, Volker Arnhold, Pierre Blanchard and Lars Nyborg on the topic, “Is there a way to optimise the R&D of Ferrous Structural PM in Europe?”
The EuroMIM sectoral group will also hold an open meeting on 15 September (Sunday afternoon) at 16.00 at EuroPM2013.
The Steering Group of the EHMG has finalised the Agenda for its open meeting on Tuesday 17th September 2013. There will be presentations on “The current status of thermodynamic and kinetic modeling of hardmetals and necessary data for further improvement” by Dr. Karin Frisk, plus “PM High Speed Steels versus Hard Materials: A Comparison” by Stefan Sundin.
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