EPMA announces Powder Metallurgy Summer School dates
January 19, 2023

The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has announced that the popular PM Summer School for young engineers will take place July 17-21, 2023, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM), in Dresden, Germany.
The EPMA’s PM Summer Schools have been designed to offer participants from all parts of Europe an advanced view of PM’s advantages and limitations by some of the leading academic and industrial personnel in Europe. It is also an opportunity to stimulate direct technical discussions by young scientists and engineers who are interested in broadening their knowledge through interaction with senior figures in the broad PM industry.
The summer school programme includes:
- Introduction to Materials Science
- Introduction to PM
- Powder Manufacturing and Characterization
- Shaping Technologies
- Fundamentals of Sintering
- Liquid Phase Sintering
- Sintering Atmospheres
- Post Sintering Treatments
- Properties of PM Parts
- Furnace Technology
- Calphad Method in PM (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams)
- Modelling
- Hot Isostatic Pressing
- Metal Injection Molding (I)
- Metal Injection Molding (II): Case studies, innovations and new frontiers
- Additive Manufacturing (I): LPBF and SEBM
- Additive Manufacturing (II): Sinterbased AM Technologies
- Sustainability in PM
- Low Alloy Steels
- Special Steels
- Light Metals
- High Temperature Materials
- Alternative Methods and Innovative Sintering
- PM Materials for Hydrogen Production
- PM Materials for Hydrogen Storage
- Hard Materials
- Soft Magnetic Materials
- Thermoelectric Materials and the START Project
Application deadline is May 3.