EPMA 22nd General Assembly celebrates successful year
June 8, 2011
The 2011 EPMA General Assembly took place on 12th May at the Eurometaux Conference Centre in Brussels and was attended by representatives from some 25 member companies.
In addition to a series of Board, Council and Committee meetings, the two-day event included the EPMA’s Annual Dinner, held at the historic restaurant Vincent in Brussels.
EPMA President, Ingo Cremer, opened the General Assembly with a review of the rebound from the financial crisis and the impact of the Japanese disaster on the PM industry.
An update of the EPMA’s activities was presented by the association’s Executive Director Jonathan Wroe. He reported that the success of the PM 2010 World Congress in Florence had led to a surplus for the year which put the EPMA in a strong financial position. At the same time membership numbers had increased and a number of new technical projects had been started.
This year’s keynote speech was on the “Future Energy Storage and Conversion – Is There a Chance for Powder Metallurgy” by Dr Hans Peter Buchkremer, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany.
Buchkremer’s presentation gave an overview of how CO2 emissions could be reduced while meeting increased world energy demand. In conclusion, he said, there will be a need for PM in the future energy world with applications in, for example, advanced power plants, batteries and fuel cells. Advanced manufacturing techniques using PM would also become more important.
The next meetings of EPMA Working groups will be at the Euro PM2011 Congress and Exhibition to be held from 9th-12th October in Barcelona. The technical programme for this event, which will have over 200 papers and the years largest PM trade exhibition, is now available for download from the EPMA website at www.epma.com/pm_2011
Edited by: Paul Whittaker, Editor ipmd.net, [email protected]
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