Elementum 3D adds high-strength A5083-RAM2 to its aluminium alloy range
February 2, 2024

Elementum 3D, Thornton, Colorado, USA, has announced the expansion of the 5083 aluminium alloy product line. The latest addition to the line is A5083-RAM2, a high-strength aluminium alloy that offers excellent manufacturability, good corrosion resistance and ductility, and does not require any post-build heat treatment.
The material is said to offer exceptionally consistent properties with minimal build orientation-dependent property variation following stress relief. Manufactured A5083-RAM2 also has significantly greater strength than work hardened wrought 5083 aluminium.
A5083-RAM2 has essentially the same advantages as A5083-RAM5, but the lower RAM content (2% vs 5%) gives A5083-RAM2 greater ductility with only a small debit in strength.
Since the official release of A5083-RAM5 aluminium alloy at Rapid + TCT 2023, Elementum 3D’s team of materials development experts have been working to engineer a RAM formulation to maximise the elongation of A5083-RAM5 without jeopardising its strength. The desired combination of strength with increased ductility became a reality by leveraging the versatility of RAM technology to customise properties.
Manufactured A5083-RAM2 and A5083-RAM5 are designed for use in any application where wrought 5083 alloy is traditionally used. This includes pressure vessels, marine components, aerospace components, energy sector applications, as well as applications that benefit from the higher strength and design complexity offered by the A5083-RAM product line and AM processing, respectively.