Drive System Design and Alvier Mechatronics to provide sustainable electrified propulsion solutions

Companies & MarketsNews
October 25, 2022

October 25, 2022

Concept for an eDrive solution from Alvier Mechatronics (Courtesy Alvier Mechatronics)
Concept for an eDrive solution from Alvier Mechatronics (Courtesy Alvier Mechatronics)

Drive System Design (DSD) Inc, Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, which specialises in the rapid engineering and development of electrified propulsion systems, has signed a joint operating agreement with Alvier Mechatronics, a subsidiary of Sweden’s Höganäs AB, to provide the mobility industry with engineering services to support sustainable electrified propulsion solutions across automotive, commercial vehicle, off-highway, marine and aerospace applications.

Alvier Mechatronics provides electrical drive systems and associated components based on high-performance powder materials. Its four focus areas include high-speed motors, transmission, axial flux motors and passive components.

Under the joint operating agreement, DSD will combine its expertise in full electrified propulsion system design encompassing simulation, prototyping and validation, with Alvier’s capabilities in Powder Metallurgy and electromagnetic design. it is hoped that this collaboration will unlock significant improvements in the development of electrified systems, and deliver innovative turnkey solutions to the industry which will include:

  • Speed-to-market increase by combining metallurgical and electromagnetic phases of development and reduced prototype lead-time
  • Sustainability improvements in the use of CO2, resulting in an overall reduction during the development process, to complement both companies’ ability to reduce CO2 production during system operation
  • Expertise from the combined experience and resources of Höganäs AB, DSD and Alvier Mechatronics

“This collaboration will capitalise on the combined skills and capabilities of each company to serve our new and existing customers in exciting ways,” stated Daniel Hervén, CEO, Alvier Mechatronics.

Mark Findlay, managing director, DSD, commented, “Working with Alvier Mechatronics is a great opportunity for DSD to diversify its contribution to the advancement of sustainable electrified propulsion across an array of critical industries. It is a company with trusted capability in the industry, and we look forward to pushing the boundaries of sustainable electrification.”

Companies & MarketsNews
October 25, 2022

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