Discover more from the Powder Injection Moulding industry in the latest issue of PIM International

March 30, 2021

The March 2021 issue of Powder Injection Moulding International (Vol. 15 No. 1), the magazine for Metal and Ceramic Injection Moulding and sinter-based Additive Manufacturing, has been released and is now available to read for free online or as a pdf download. This issue features 63 pages of industry news, plus the following articles and technical reviews:

Bosch Advanced Ceramics: Driving ceramic Additive Manufacturing for series production with Lithoz

If you were looking to build a ‘dream team’ to drive the series production capabilities of ceramic Additive Manufacturing, there’s a good chance that Bosch Advanced Ceramics and Lithoz would be high on your list. Both are pioneers in their respective fields: Bosch, a global multinational and, in many ways, the original Ceramic Injection Moulding company, and Lithoz, a ‘startup that has grown up’ and is now a global leader in ceramic AM machines.

PIM International’s Nick Williams tells the story of their cooperation and their mission to use ceramic AM for series production.

High precision, flexibility and intensive customer support: How Demcon MIM is planning ahead for long-term growth

Since the early days of Powder Injection Moulding in Europe, the Netherlands has been home to a highly capable MIM and CIM industry, including a number of companies which have been featured in previous issues of PIM International.

In this article, Dr Georg Schlieper reports on a recent visit to Demcon Metal Injection Moulding, a company that is enjoying success in a diverse range of markets and has an ambitious strategy for efficiency-driven long term growth.

Playing the long game: The story of Binder Jetting, and ExOne’s view on a rapidly evolving technology landscape

Being ahead of one’s time can be both a blessing and a challenge. The story of The ExOne Company, the pioneer of metal Binder Jetting, well illustrates this. Now, as interest in the technology surges, the company finds itself competing with a host of well-funded and ambitious rivals.

In this article, ExOne’s Sarah Webster takes a look back at the company’s journey – one that, despite being marred by tragedy, defined a path that now puts it in a strong position to compete in a rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Riding the storm: A review of progress in China and Taiwan’s MIM industry during 2020

Greater China’s Metal Injection Moulding industry has witnessed extraordinary growth over the past decade, driven by the booming demand from the consumer electronics industry.

As Chinese MIM industry consultant Dr Chiou Yau Hung, widely known as Dr Q, explains, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic did little to derail progress in China and Taiwan. On the contrary, the global demand for 3C devices such as computers and smartphones had the effect of driving MIM output to record levels.

Together with his colleague James Chao, Dr Q reports on the impact of 2020 on Greater China’s MIM output and highlights industry trends.

Advanced Powder Injection Moulding process developments presented at Euro PM2020

Within the programme of the successful Euro PM2020 Virtual Congress, organised by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) and held October 5–7, 2020, a technical session, comprising three papers, addressed advanced process developments in Powder Injection Moulding.

In this review, Dr David Whittaker reports on these presentations that addressed the opportunities around single-use moulds, advanced part customisation, and cobalt-free diamond composite for cutting tool applications.

Read the free digital edition online or pdf download.

In the latest issue of PM Review…

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Extensive Powder Metallurgy industry news coverage, and the following exclusive deep-dive articles and reports:

  • Powder Metallurgy: Discover innovative technologies meeting the demands of vehicle electrification
  • Gevorkyan a.s.: Europe’s fast-growing Powder Metallurgy company achieving success through a diversified customer base
  • Powder Metallurgy in Asia: A status update from the World PM2024 Congress, Yokohama

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