Cincinnati expanding sales team as it enters new markets

June 13, 2018

June 13, 2018

Cincinnati expanding sales team as it enters new markets

Eric Blasiman (left) and Nick Thielmann (right) are CI’s newly appointed sales engineers for the Midwest US (Courtesy Cincinnati Incorporated)


Cincinnati Incorporated (CI), Harrison, Ohio, USA, has appointed Eric Blasiman and Nick Thielmann as sales engineers for the Midwest US region. Blasiman, who is based at CI’s corporate headquarters in Harrison, will be responsible for Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan, whilst Thielmann, based in Milwaukee, will cover Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, and Northern Michigan.

Blasiman, a graduate from the University of Toledo, has experience in system design, account management and customers’ needs analysis. He has previously held design positions with MJ Engineering and Consulting and Kaufman Engineered Systems. “I’m excited to be part of such a fantastic team at CI,” he commented. “The opportunity to help our customers sustain and grow utilising CI equipment’s comprehensive capabilities is an exciting challenge. I’m looking forward to being part of this process.”

Thielmann has experience in electro-mechanical software engineering, industrial IoT systems and account management. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and previously held product management positions with both ECHO Labs, LLC and Myron Innovations. “I am sincerely privileged to join an organisation so remarkably passionate about its customers, employees and products,” said Thielmann. “I’m looking forward to helping fabricators implement the competitive advantages that CI’s equipment provides.”

Rakesh Kumar, VP of Sales, Service and Marketing for CI, stated, “While CI was already servicing this territory, we wanted to further increase our resources to better serve our customers. Increasing our presence in this area allows us to advance our direct sales approach and deliver on customer expectations.”

Cincinnati Incorporated manufactures a range of mechanical and hybrid Powder Metallurgy compacting presses, as well as providing laser cutting and automation technology and other metal fabrication solutions throughout North America.

June 13, 2018

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