Ceratizit celebrates 100 year anniversary

Companies & MarketsNews
November 22, 2021

November 22, 2021

Planting of a maple tree to mark Ceratizit’s 100-year anniversary (Courtesy Ceratizit Group)

Ceratizit Group, headquartered in Mamer, Luxembourg, recently celebrated its 100th anniversary and commemorated the milestone by planting a maple tree at the entrance to the Mamer factory. The occasion was overseen by the Ceratizit Executive Board, alongside His Royal Highness the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg; Minister of Economic Affairs, Franz Fayot; the Mayor of Mamer, Gilles Roth; Karlheinz Wex, spokesman of the Plansee Group Board; and Andreas Olthoff, Managing Director of Ceratizit Luxembourg.

Part of the Plansee Group, Ceratizit specialises in cutting tools and hard materials and draws on a century of experience for developing new solutions and services. Metallwerk Plansee GmbH was founded on June 24 June, 1921, by Dr Paul Schwarzkopf, who is said to have paved the way for the industrial manufacture of tungsten and molybdenum products. This also laid the foundations for the Ceratizit Group, which was formed from the 2002 merger of Plansee Tizit and Cerametal.

“We are proud of our 100 years of expertise, which, after, all amounts to a fruitful combination of pioneering thinking and innovative creativity,” stated Thierry Wolter, member of the executive board of the Ceratizit Group.

He added, “Additive Manufacturing of cemented carbide, digital solutions, the use of artificial intelligence to optimise production processes and products, remote support solutions such as LiveTechPro and revolutionary production processes like High Dynamic Turning developed by Ceratizit point the way to increased sustainability and efficiency.”


Companies & MarketsNews
November 22, 2021

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