Cemented Carbide journal celebrates 50 years promoting China’s cemented carbide industry

December 11, 2012

December 11, 2012

China’s Cemented Carbide journal (ISSN 1003-7292) celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012. When it was founded in 1962, the country’s cemented carbide industry had just started and the journal was used for internal communications to meet the urgent demand from professionals for information. Today it undertakes the tasks of knowledge dissemination, the exchange of technical information and the development of application areas.

The publishers state that during this time it had trained up a large number of outstanding talents for China’s cemented carbide industry, whilst gradually becoming the industry’s authoritative publication in China. Cemented Carbide publishes the following ranges of papers:

  • Basic research and applied research achievements in the field of preparation, manufacturing and application of cemented carbide and hard materials, domestic and foreign cemented carbide development trend review, research achievements of refractory metals such as tungsten and molybdenum;
  • Papers about new technology, new equipment, new materials for the processing of cemented carbide and hard materials;
  • Applications of industrial automation and computer integrated manufacturing technology in cemented carbide and hard materials industry;
  • New advances in the field of detection technology and detection instruments of cemented carbide and hard materials;
  • Market analysis and enterprise management reform experience of cemented carbide and hard materials;
  • Other new technology or application technology related to cemented carbide and hard materials.

The publishers told ipmd.net, “In the past 50 years, Cemented Carbide has grown up with China’s cemented carbide industry and as such has recorded the development and course of China’s cemented carbide. It is the historical record of China’s cemented carbide industry. We hope that Cemented Carbide will not just be a Chinese publication in the future. It will be the platform for academic research exchange of world cemented carbide industry and can contribute to the development of world cemented carbide industry.”

Cemented Carbide is overseen and sponsored by Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Group Corp. Ltd. (ZCC), and managed by the State Key Laboratory of Cemented Carbide and Cemented Carbide Branch of the China Tungsten Industry Association. ZCC is the largest carbide production, scientific research, management and export base in China. The State Key Laboratory of Cemented Carbide was built upon approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, which is the most important base to carry out high level applied basic research and academic exchanges, gathering and training outstanding scientific and technological personnel.

The Cemented Carbide Branch of China Tungsten Industry Association is a non-profit voluntary industry organisation of China’s cemented carbide production enterprises and scientific research/ education units.

The Editor-in-Chief of Cemented Carbide, Mr. Zhang Zhongjian, is the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Cemented Carbide, the Deputy General Manager of Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Group Corp. Ltd. and the President of Cemented Carbide Branch of China Tungsten Industry Association.

Website: http://YZHJ.chinajournal.net.cn

E-mail:[email protected]

Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor ipmd.net, [email protected]   

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December 11, 2012

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