Call for papers issued for Euro PM2019
December 17, 2018

Euro PM2019 will be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands (Courtesy EPMA)
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has issued a call for papers for Euro PM2019, its annual Powder Metallurgy congress and exhibition. The congress will be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 13-16, 2019, at the Maastricht Exhibition & Congress Centre (MECC) and is expected to feature a world-class technical programme as well as an exhibition showcasing the latest developments from the global PM supply chain.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts of papers for inclusion in the Technical Programme based on original and unpublished work. Selected papers will be allocated to oral and poster sessions by the Technical Programme committee based on a combination of the authors’ wishes, overall evaluation, and the limits of the time schedule. The manuscript for all accepted papers should be no more than six pages, and abstracts must be submitted by no later than January 23, 2019.
The conference programme will focus on all aspects of Powder Metallurgy, including:
- PM Structural Parts
- Additive Manufacturing
- Hard materials and diamond tools
- Hot Isostatic Pressing
- Metal Injection Moulding
- New materials, processes and applications